Women’s Clothing E-Commerce Reviews

Women’s Clothing E-Commerce Reviews

Customer reviews provide valuable insight into product quality and opportunities for improvement. This dataset of women’s clothing reviews aims to help the e-commerce company develop a machine learning model that can automatically determine from customer feedback whether a product is recommended or not. With over 23,000 reviews, manually analyzing this volume of feedback is time-consuming and subjective. An automated classification model offers a scalable and consistent approach. However, given the unstructured nature of review text, several techniques must be combined to extract meaningful information for prediction.

We will implement both a bag-of-words model and word embeddings to transform the text into numerical feature vectors. Frequency analysis will identify the most important and least important words for recommendation. Vectorization using TF-IDF and binarization will convert words into vector representations.

Multiple machine learning algorithms will be tested to find the highest accuracy model for determining product recommendation. Metrics like precision, recall, and F1 score will also be considered in model selection.

The chosen model will provide the company insight into which review aspects most correlate with positive or negative recommendations. With a trained model, new reviews can be automatically classified to inform inventory and merchandising decisions for improved customer satisfaction.

The techniques demonstrated here for analyzing customer reviews can be generalized to other industries reliant on customer feedback to optimize products and drive business value.

Model 1: Bag Of Words

Load the data into memory and clean the messages
filename = r'Womens Clothing E-Commerce Reviews.csv'
WomensClothing= pd.read_csv(filename,encoding='latin-1')
Clothing IDAgeTitleReview TextRatingRecommended INDPositive Feedback CountDivision NameDepartment NameClass Name
076733NaNAbsolutely wonderful - silky and sexy and comf...410InitmatesIntimateIntimates
1108034NaNLove this dress! it's sooo pretty. i happene...514GeneralDressesDresses
2107760Some major design flawsI had such high hopes for this dress and reall...300GeneralDressesDresses
3104950My favorite buy!I love, love, love this jumpsuit. it's fun, fl...510General PetiteBottomsPants
484747Flattering shirtThis shirt is very flattering to all due to th...516GeneralTopsBlouses
WomensClothing['Review Text'] = WomensClothing['Review Text'].astype(str)
Recommended_IND = WomensClothing[['Review Text', 'Recommended IND']]
import seaborn as sns
WomensClothing.groupby('Recommended IND')['Recommended IND'].count()
sns.countplot(x='Recommended IND', data=WomensClothing)


features = WomensClothing['Review Text'].astype(str)
labels = WomensClothing['Recommended IND']
    0        Absolutely wonderful - silky and sexy and comf...
    1        Love this dress!  it's sooo pretty.  i happene...
    2        I had such high hopes for this dress and reall...
    3        I love, love, love this jumpsuit. it's fun, fl...
    4        This shirt is very flattering to all due to th...
    23481    I was very happy to snag this dress at such a ...
    23482    It reminds me of maternity clothes. soft, stre...
    23483    This fit well, but the top was very see throug...
    23484    I bought this dress for a wedding i have this ...
    23485    This dress in a lovely platinum is feminine an...
    Name: Review Text, Length: 23486, dtype: object
    0        1
    1        1
    2        0
    3        1
    4        1
    23481    1
    23482    1
    23483    0
    23484    1
    23485    1
    Name: Recommended IND, Length: 23486, dtype: int64
def clean_One_Twit(doc):
    tokens = doc.split()
    re_punc = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
    tokens = [re_punc.sub('', w) for w in tokens]
    tokens = [word for word in tokens if word.isalpha()]
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    tokens = [w for w in tokens if not w in stop_words]
    tokens = [word for word in tokens if len(word) > 1]
    porter = PorterStemmer()
    stemmed = [porter.stem(word) for word in tokens]
    return stemmed
vocab = Counter()
for index, row in Recommended_IND.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    text = row['Review Text']
    tokens = clean_One_Twit(text)
min_occurrence = 10
minvocab = [k for k,c in vocab.items() if c >= min_occurrence]
    [('dress', 12061), ('love', 11350), ('fit', 11310), ('size', 10597), ('look', 9276), ('top', 8261), ('wear', 8047), ('like', 7717), ('color', 7191), ('great', 6077), ('im', 5512), ('would', 5010), ('order', 4983), ('fabric', 4852), ('small', 4564), ('thi', 4334), ('realli', 3921), ('perfect', 3808), ('nice', 3800), ('littl', 3773), ('one', 3694), ('flatter', 3649), ('tri', 3623), ('beauti', 3464), ('soft', 3369), ('comfort', 3277), ('well', 3237), ('back', 3180), ('cute', 3024), ('bought', 2981), ('usual', 2886), ('bit', 2874), ('work', 2858), ('materi', 2816), ('shirt', 2793), ('larg', 2791), ('run', 2777), ('much', 2702), ('sweater', 2689), ('length', 2629), ('jean', 2593), ('also', 2575), ('go', 2539), ('waist', 2509), ('petit', 2438), ('got', 2411), ('think', 2410), ('long', 2392), ('short', 2369), ('make', 2344)]
Create and generate a word cloud image

wordcloud = WordCloud().generate_from_frequencies(frequencies=vocab)

# Display the generated image:
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')


def doc_to_line(oneTwit, vocab):
    tokens = clean_One_Twit(oneTwit)
    tokens = [w for w in tokens if w in vocab]
    return ' '.join(tokens)
lines = list()
for index, row in Recommended_IND.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    text = row['Review Text']
    line = doc_to_line(text, minvocab)
        love traci rees dress one petit feet tall usual wear brand dress pretti packag lot dress skirt long full overwhelm small frame stranger alter shorten narrow skirt would take away embellish garment love color idea style work return dress
def create_tokenizer(lines):
    tokenizer = Tokenizer()
    return tokenizer

tokenizer = create_tokenizer(lines)
Xtrain = tokenizer.texts_to_matrix(lines, mode='freq')
n_words = Xtrain.shape[1]
(23486, 2566)
def evaluate_mode(Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest, ytest):
    scores = list()
    n_repeats = 1
    n_words = Xtest.shape[1]
    for i in range(n_repeats):
        # define network
        model = Sequential()
        model.add(Dense(50, input_shape=(n_words,), activation='relu'))
        model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))
        # compile network
        model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
        # fit network on the training dataset
        model.fit(Xtrain, ytrain, epochs=100, verbose=0)
        # evaluate the model on the unseen test dataset
        val_loss, val_acc = model.evaluate(Xtest, ytest, verbose=0)
        print('%d accuracy: %s' % ((i+1), val_acc))
    return scores
labels = pd.get_dummies(labels)

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(Xtrain, labels,

modes = ['binary', 'count', 'tfidf', 'freq']
results = DataFrame()
for mode in modes:
    # evaluate model on data for mode
    results[mode] = evaluate_mode(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)

# summarize results
1 accuracy: 0.8676032354700763
1 accuracy: 0.8656875264548199
1 accuracy: 0.8690932312129457
1 accuracy: 0.8729246486598454
         binary     count     tfidf      freq
count  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000
mean   0.867603  0.865688  0.869093  0.872925
std         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
min    0.867603  0.865688  0.869093  0.872925
25%    0.867603  0.865688  0.869093  0.872925
50%    0.867603  0.865688  0.869093  0.872925
75%    0.867603  0.865688  0.869093  0.872925
max    0.867603  0.865688  0.869093  0.872925

Word Emmbading

filename = r'Womens Clothing E-Commerce Reviews.csv'
WomensClothing= pd.read_csv(filename,encoding='latin-1')
WomensClothing['Review Text'] = WomensClothing['Review Text'].astype(str)
train, test = train_test_split(WomensClothing, test_size=0.20, random_state=2019, stratify = WomensClothing[['Recommended IND']])
labels = train['Recommended IND']
    '       Clothing ID  Age                                              Title  \\\n18342         1092   43            Light weight, pockets, great for summer   \n512           1078   49  Cute but skip the petite unless you are very s...   \n8334          1047   38                                            Perfect   \n22294         1077   58                                           Love it!   \n2883           829   69                                            Love it   \n...            ...  ...                                                ...   \n5714           880   39                                                NaN   \n22500         1098   57                            Embroidered masterpiece   \n16279         1078   38                      Gorgeous dress - spectacular!   \n18535           24   29                                 Super unflattering   \n17363          912   51                                        Lint magnet   \n\n                                             Review Text  Rating  \\\n18342  I run 170lbs., 36 d, 5\'4" and ordered a regula...       5   \n512    Beautiful colors, especially the pink. i am 5\'...       5   \n8334   I love these pants! waited for them to go on s...       5   \n22294  I would absolutely recommend this dress if you...       4   \n2883   I love this top! i was thinking that i was goi...       5   \n...                                                  ...     ...   \n5714   This shirt runs extremely large. looks boxy an...       3   \n22500  This dress is so beautifully embroidered with ...       5   \n16279  This dress is a beauty. i am 5\'11" and plan to...       5   \n18535  I\'m 5\' 5", 150 lbs, 32dd, normally a 28p or 29...       2   \n17363  So sad becuase i like the design. i would not ...       2   \n\n       Recommended IND  Positive Feedback Count   Division Name  \\\n18342                1                       13  General Petite   \n512                  1                        3         General   \n8334                 1                        0  General Petite   \n22294                1                        0  General Petite   \n2883                 1                        1  General Petite   \n...                ...                      ...             ...   \n5714                 0                        0         General   \n22500                1                        1         General   \n16279                1                        0  General Petite   \n18535                0                        0       Initmates   \n17363                0                        2         General   \n\n      Department Name  Class Name  \n18342         Dresses     Dresses  \n512           Dresses     Dresses  \n8334          Bottoms       Pants  \n22294         Dresses     Dresses  \n2883             Tops     Blouses  \n...               ...         ...  \n5714             Tops       Knits  \n22500         Dresses     Dresses  \n16279         Dresses     Dresses  \n18535        Intimate        Swim  \n17363            Tops  Fine gauge  \n\n[18788 rows x 10 columns]'
vocab_size = 10000
index = 1
for index, row in train.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    # take out the esentiment text
    text = row['Review Text']
    encoded_docs.append(one_hot(text, vocab_size))
max_length = len(max(encoded_docs,key=len))
#make sure all the items have the uniform length
padded_docs = pad_sequences(encoded_docs, maxlen=max_length, padding='post')
[[7953 4197  534 ...    0    0    0]
 [3421 2002 5064 ...    0    0    0]
 [7953 9119 4448 ...    0    0    0]
 [2735 8635 6907 ...    0    0    0]
 [1409 8101 3212 ...    0    0    0]
 [4747 6127 5164 ...    0    0    0]]
model = Sequential()
#specify the vocab size, dimensionality of the word embedding spaces
model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, 50, input_length=max_length))
#then we map the matrices to one-dimensional vector by calling flatten() funciton
#binary classifiction, 1 neuron, activation sigmoid; produce probablity
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
# compile the model
#binary classifiction, loss = 'binary_crossentropy'
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['acc'])
# summarize the model
# fit the model
#1st argument is the features/predictors/Xs; 2nd is the label/target/Ys
#ecpochs: pass the whole data to the Neural net work for 50 times
#verbose = 0; don't print anything
#verbose = 1; print key outputs
#vervose = 2; print all the info 
model.fit(padded_docs, labels, epochs=epoch, verbose=2)
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
embedding_2 (Embedding)      (None, 116, 50)           500000    
flatten_2 (Flatten)          (None, 5800)              0         
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 5801      
Total params: 505,801
Trainable params: 505,801
Non-trainable params: 0
Epoch 1/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.3536 - acc: 0.8520
Epoch 2/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.2207 - acc: 0.9098
Epoch 3/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.1609 - acc: 0.9403
Epoch 4/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.1067 - acc: 0.9682
Epoch 5/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.0670 - acc: 0.9842
Epoch 6/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.0441 - acc: 0.9916
Epoch 7/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.0313 - acc: 0.9944
Epoch 8/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.0239 - acc: 0.9956
Epoch 9/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.0192 - acc: 0.9964
Epoch 10/10
 - 4s - loss: 0.0166 - acc: 0.9964

for index, row in test.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    text = row['Review Text']

    encoded_docs_test.append(one_hot(text, vocab_size))
padded_docs_test = pad_sequences(encoded_docs_test, maxlen=max_length, padding='post')

labels_test = test['Recommended IND']
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(padded_docs_test, labels_test, verbose=2)
print('Accuracy: %f' % (accuracy*100))
    [[2735 6907 2673 ...    0    0    0]
     [ 421 4475 8879 ...    0    0    0]
     [7325 2735 8635 ...    0    0    0]
     [7953 9119 2735 ...    0    0    0]
     [1344 6867 7953 ...    0    0    0]
     [7953 7574 8879 ...    0    0    0]]
    Accuracy: 89.016603

After the training, testing splitting, and the cleaning of the Reviews text. The accuracy of the model that came as the main resultant output of the first part. It states the accuracy of each model and the analytics of each mathematical computation for the data of the Bag of Words models, such as the mean and standard deviation. Based on the accuracy, the best model is the Word Embedding model with 89% accuracy.

Model 2

The second part of the project is to build a machine learning model to forecast the rating of the products from the reviews written by the customers as the review text. Several models can be built for this purpose to forecast Rating using Reviews Text.

Bag of Words

WomensClothing = WomensClothing.replace(0, numpy.NaN)
(8572, 10)

The goal of the project is to forecast the best model for the management that shall predict the rating. To achieve this goal, we take the rating column as labels. Then those labels are passed as testing of the model to predict the accuracy of the model.

features = WomensClothing['Review Text'].astype(str)
labels = WomensClothing['Rating']
import seaborn as sns
sns.countplot(x='Rating', data=WomensClothing)


def clean_One_Twit(doc):
    tokens = doc.split()
    re_punc = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
    tokens = [re_punc.sub('', w) for w in tokens]
    tokens = [word for word in tokens if word.isalpha()]
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    tokens = [w for w in tokens if not w in stop_words]
    tokens = [word for word in tokens if len(word) > 1]
    porter = PorterStemmer()
    stemmed = [porter.stem(word) for word in tokens]
    return stemmed
vocab = Counter()

for index, row in WomensClothing.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    text = row['Review Text']
    tokens = clean_One_Twit(text)

min_occurrence = 10
minvocab = [k for k,c in vocab.items() if c >= min_occurrence]
    [('dress', 5041), ('fit', 4961), ('size', 4766), ('love', 4579), ('look', 3609), ('wear', 3447), ('top', 3409), ('like', 3091), ('color', 3012), ('great', 2423), ('im', 2413), ('order', 2037), ('would', 1986), ('fabric', 1970), ('small', 1904), ('perfect', 1731), ('thi', 1705), ('littl', 1695), ('nice', 1688), ('tri', 1624), ('flatter', 1623), ('realli', 1620), ('one', 1581), ('soft', 1470), ('beauti', 1404), ('usual', 1380), ('comfort', 1377), ('well', 1376), ('bit', 1314), ('bought', 1281), ('petit', 1260), ('length', 1207), ('jean', 1167), ('back', 1157), ('cute', 1157), ('run', 1154), ('waist', 1153), ('larg', 1130), ('think', 1091), ('work', 1090), ('also', 1042), ('skirt', 1038), ('store', 1035), ('much', 1035), ('sweater', 1034), ('long', 1028), ('materi', 1012), ('retail', 995), ('go', 992), ('make', 988)]
Create and generate a word cloud image
wordcloud = WordCloud().generate_from_frequencies(frequencies=vocab)

# Display the generated image:
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')


def doc_to_line(oneTwit, vocab):
    tokens = clean_One_Twit(oneTwit)
    tokens = [w for w in tokens if w in vocab]
    return ' '.join(tokens)

lines = list()
for index, row in WomensClothing.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    text = row['Review Text']
    line = doc_to_line(text, minvocab)
def create_tokenizer(lines):
    tokenizer = Tokenizer()
    return tokenizer

tokenizer = create_tokenizer(lines)
Xtrain = tokenizer.texts_to_matrix(lines, mode='freq')
n_words = Xtrain.shape[1]
    (8572, 1772)
def evaluate_mode(Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest, ytest):
    scores = list()
    n_repeats = 1
    n_words = Xtest.shape[1]
    for i in range(n_repeats):
        # define network
        model = Sequential()
        model.add(Dense(50, input_shape=(n_words,), activation='relu'))
        model.add(Dense(6, activation='softmax'))
        # compile network
        model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
        # fit network on the training dataset
        model.fit(Xtrain, ytrain, epochs=100, verbose=0)
        # evaluate the model on the unseen test dataset
        val_loss, val_acc = model.evaluate(Xtest, ytest, verbose=0)
        print('%d accuracy: %s' % ((i+1), val_acc))
    return scores
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(Xtrain, labels,

modes = ['binary', 'count', 'tfidf', 'freq']
results = DataFrame()
for mode in modes:
    # evaluate model on data for mode
    results[mode] = evaluate_mode(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
# summarize results
    1 accuracy: 0.6588921284015256
    1 accuracy: 0.6728862974977354
    1 accuracy: 0.6483965016662553
    1 accuracy: 0.6612244899175606
             binary     count     tfidf      freq
    count  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000
    mean   0.658892  0.672886  0.648397  0.661224
    std         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
    min    0.658892  0.672886  0.648397  0.661224
    25%    0.658892  0.672886  0.648397  0.661224
    50%    0.658892  0.672886  0.648397  0.661224
    75%    0.658892  0.672886  0.648397  0.661224
    max    0.658892  0.672886  0.648397  0.661224

Word Emmbading

WomensClothing['Review Text'] = WomensClothing['Review Text'].astype(str)
train, test = train_test_split(WomensClothing, test_size=0.20, random_state=2019, stratify = WomensClothing[['Rating']])
labels = train['Rating']
    '       Clothing ID  Age                              Title  \\\n12302          509   69  Juneberry sleep pants perfect fit   \n13962         1098   31   High quality one of a kind piece   \n5731           868   30                                NaN   \n10224          147   46                                NaN   \n7366           965   27              Cute but poor quality   \n...            ...  ...                                ...   \n22578         1070   58                           Perfect!   \n18634         1072   36                          Shape odd   \n18800         1047   53                                NaN   \n16841         1104   29             Buy if you have no fat   \n18484         1080   39                     Gorgeous print   \n\n                                             Review Text  Rating  \\\n12302  I love these sleep pants they are the perfect ...       5   \n13962  This dress had my attention immediately online...       5   \n5731   Great shirt, more of a stretch to it than i th...       5   \n10224                                                nan       5   \n7366   This sweater/jacket looks just like the photo ...       2   \n...                                                  ...     ...   \n22578  When i saw these in the store i liked how they...       5   \n18634  The shape was not as nice on model, seemed lik...       3   \n18800  Purchased these in the blue motif. love the he...       5   \n16841  Although i am small (size xs on top, 27 waist)...       3   \n18484  I was thinking this was another maeve winner b...       5   \n\n       Recommended IND  Positive Feedback Count Division Name Department Name  \\\n12302                1                        0     Initmates        Intimate   \n13962                1                        2       General         Dresses   \n5731                 1                        0       General            Tops   \n10224                1                        0     Initmates        Intimate   \n7366                 0                        2       General         Jackets   \n...                ...                      ...           ...             ...   \n22578                1                        0       General         Bottoms   \n18634                0                        1       General         Dresses   \n18800                1                        0       General         Bottoms   \n16841                0                        0       General         Dresses   \n18484                1                        7       General         Dresses   \n\n      Class Name  \n12302      Sleep  \n13962    Dresses  \n5731       Knits  \n10224      Sleep  \n7366     Jackets  \n...          ...  \n22578      Pants  \n18634    Dresses  \n18800      Pants  \n16841    Dresses  \n18484    Dresses  \n\n[18788 rows x 10 columns]'
vocab_size = 10000

for index, row in train.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    text = row['Review Text']
    encoded_docs.append(one_hot(text, vocab_size))
max_length = len(max(encoded_docs,key=len))

padded_docs = pad_sequences(encoded_docs, maxlen=max_length, padding='post')
[[1262 7890 2444 ...    0    0    0]
 [ 998 6161 2689 ...    0    0    0]
 [3857 7395  502 ...    0    0    0]
 [9632 2444 7364 ...    0    0    0]
 [ 409 1262 9513 ...    0    0    0]
 [1262  237  832 ...    0    0    0]]

model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, 50, input_length=max_length))
model.add(Dense(6, activation='softmax'))

model.fit(padded_docs, labels, epochs=10, verbose=2)
    Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
    embedding_1 (Embedding)      (None, 116, 50)           500000    
    flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 5800)              0         
    dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 6)                 34806     
    Total params: 534,806
    Trainable params: 534,806
    Non-trainable params: 0
    Epoch 1/10
     - 4s - loss: 1.0535 - acc: 0.5863
    Epoch 2/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.7825 - acc: 0.6836
    Epoch 3/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.5838 - acc: 0.7966
    Epoch 4/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.4007 - acc: 0.8841
    Epoch 5/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.2705 - acc: 0.9341
    Epoch 6/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.1872 - acc: 0.9602
    Epoch 7/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.1351 - acc: 0.9727
    Epoch 8/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.0993 - acc: 0.9806
    Epoch 9/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.0778 - acc: 0.9842
    Epoch 10/10
     - 4s - loss: 0.0629 - acc: 0.9869
for index, row in test.iterrows():
    if index % 10000 ==0:
    text = row['Review Text']
    encoded_docs_test.append(one_hot(text, vocab_size))
padded_docs_test = pad_sequences(encoded_docs_test, maxlen=max_length, padding='post')

labels_test = test['Rating']
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(padded_docs_test, labels_test, verbose=2)
print('Accuracy: %f' % (accuracy*100))
    [[3857 6716 8953 ...    0    0    0]
     [9695 8550 1499 ...    0    0    0]
     [1262 7550  998 ...    0    0    0]
     [ 998 9914 3522 ...    0    0    0]
     [2444 3728  502 ...    0    0    0]
     [9695 3522 3671 ...    0    0    0]]
    Accuracy: 60.323542

After the training, testing splitting, and the cleaning of the Reviews text. We passed the data through the 4 mentioned BOW models plus the Word Embedding model. Based on the accuracy, the model that gave the best efficiency was the Count model, which gave the highest accuracy among the rest as 67%.

© 2020. Zakaria Alsahfi. All rights reserved.