
Explore my diverse Tableau portfolio! Here, you’ll find a collection of my work using Tableau, a transformative tool that turns complex datasets into easy-to-understand visual stories. Each project is designed to uncover hidden patterns and trends, inspiring new ways of looking at data. From market analysis to customer segmentation and beyond, these visualizations demonstrate my skills in data blending, advanced calculations, and interactive storytelling. Explore the dashboards to see how data can be leveraged for meaningful business impacts.


Regional Sales Metrics

Regional Sales Metrics

This dashboard provides an in-depth analysis of sales performance, shipping costs, and return rates by region over the last four years. The visualizations offer insights into regional sales managed by different managers, monthly shipping expenses, and return metrics compared to targets. Continue reading Regional Sales Metrics


Sales Performance Analysis

Sales Performance Analysis

This dashboard provides a detailed monthly analysis of sales performance by product segment (Consumer, Corporate, Home Office) and product category (Furniture, Office Supplies, Technology). It helps clients identify which segments and categories have met or exceeded their sales targets and which ones have not. Continue reading Sales Performance Analysis



Customer Analysis

Customer Analysis

This dashboard provides a comprehensive analysis of retail products and company customer metrics across different regions. It aims to help users understand product performance, customer distribution, and regional differences. Continue reading Customer Analysis

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